

4月3日更新:敬请弟兄姊妹注意,本文的英文版会提交至白宫,表达我们的抗议。同时我们鼓励各州的教会、基督徒,把我们的英文版的“严正声明”,提交给你们本地的议员。为此,我们已经把英文文件的名称改为“American Chinese Christian Community Solemn Declaration”(美国华人基督徒社区严正声明),这样方便各州的弟兄姊妹在本州提交。若您愿意参与提交,我们可以提供给您最后的签署版本。敬请联系我们:cclife@gmail.com
生命季刊编者按:“基要福音派传道人联盟”(Fundamental Evangelical Ministers’ Alliance ,FEMA),成立于2021年7月,目前有北美60位牧师、师母、传道人加入;联盟宗旨之一是:在末世,为主作整体的见证!关于联盟更多信息,请点击:

第三,拜登政府的宣布直接践踏了基督信仰的底线,因为今年的3月31日这一天是基督信仰的盛大节日——复活节。拜登政府公然把这一天称为“跨性别者可见日”,不仅亵渎神, 亵渎神的儿子耶稣,也是对教会的公然羞辱、蔑视和挑衅。教会在这样一个时刻不该沉默,也无法沉默。所以“基要福音派传道人联盟”对拜登政府的宣布提出严正反对和抗议。若是一个敬畏上帝的国家领袖,便不会做出敌对上帝、敌对基督、敌对教会、敌对神创造秩序的决策。因此,我们呼吁每一位有良知和常识的人,尤其是基督徒,在2024年的大选中,务必按照圣经的价值观,为着神的荣耀,为着减缓社会灵性与道德的堕落,慎重投出自己手中的一票,选出敬畏上帝,秉公行政的国家领导人;抵挡、弃绝不敬畏神、甚至亵渎神的候选人。

在刚庆祝完复活节的时刻,让我们再次致力于宣扬福音和宣扬基督的得胜。 愿我们在这个充斥着荒谬价值观念和道德相对主义、日趋败坏、日益黑暗的世界中,成为真理的灯塔。以耶和华为神的,那国是有福的;耶和华拣选作自己产业的,那民是有福的。(诗篇33:12)呼吁:美国,回转归向真神!
Christian Life Quarterly editor’s note: We appeal to all pastors, ministers and Christians: If you agree with our opposition and condemnation of Biden’s announcement, please join us in signing and speaking out. Please fill out the form above with your English name, the city and state you live in, then submit. We will close the signing deadline on April 4 (Thursday) at 10 pm Central Time (i.e. Thursday 11 pm Eastern Time; Thursday 8 pm Western Time) and send the protest statement in English together with your signature submitted to the White House administration. If you have any questions, please send an email to:
American Chinese Christian Community Solemn Declaration
Opposing and Protesting against the "2024 Transgender Day of Visibility Proclamation" Signed by Biden
Sponsored by Chinese Christian Life Fellowship, Inc
Written by the Fundamental Evangelical Ministers’ Alliance (FEMA)
Editor’s note: Chinese Christian Life Fellowship, Inc (CCLiFe) is a non-profit religious organization registered as 501.c.(3) located in Streamwood, IL
"Fundamental Evangelical Ministers' Alliance (FEMA)" founded in July 2021, currently has 60 members including local church pastors, ministers, and co-workers of evangelical organizations in North America. One of FEMA's main purposes is bearing witness together for the Lord Jesus Christ in the last days! For more information about FEMA, please click: https://www.cclife.org/View/Category/11067
March 31st, a day that God has made, was first disgraced as "Transgender Day of Visibility" in 2009. This godless action was promoted and reconfirmed by U. S. President Joe Biden in 2021. On Friday, March 29, 2024, Good Friday, just as the universal churches were commemorating the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's bloodshed and sacrifice of His life for the world and preparing for the celebration of His resurrection, the Biden administration blatantly insisted on proclaiming this year's March 31 as the Transgender Day of Visibility, even though it falls on Easter Sunday!
FEMA, along with many Chinese pastors, ministers, and Christians living in the United States, do hereby condemn this decision by President Biden. We consider this an insult to Easter Sunday, the holiest day in a year for Christianity, and a blasphemy against the Christian faith.
Easter has unparalleled significance for Christians around the world. It commemorates the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and proclaims the victory of the cross over sin, life over death, hope over despair, and light over darkness. It is a day of joy and glory as we rejoice in the resurrection of Christ over the power of sin and death.
Biden’s promotion of “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday severely undermines the sanctity of Easter, promotes ideologies contrary to Biblical truth, and justifies sins detested by God. It is a blatant provocation of the Creator and a flagrant violation of the faith of Christians who hold to the Biblical truth throughout the United States and the world.
The government's due diligence is to reward good and punish evil (Romans 13:3-4). Christians are willing to submit to all kinds of authority above without violating basic Biblical principles and fundamental morals (Romans 13:1). However, when government policies or laws violate basic Biblical principles and morality, Christians should obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). Just as John the Baptist rebuked Herod for marrying his brother's wife, which was unreasonable (Mark 6:18), the Church should also confront and condemn the wickedness of governments or heads of government, not ignore and remain silent, for the Church is the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and a city on a hill (Matthew 5:13-14).
The Biden administration's announcement, first and foremost, violates the Biblical definition of human nature, gender, and identity. The male and female sex of a human being is determined by the biological sex at birth, not the psychologically identified sex. The two sexes are God's creation and are not changeable by man. When there is gender confusion, marriages, families and societies deviate from the order created by God. Therefore, the Biden administration's announcement disrupts marriage, family, and social order, particularly distorting the gender awareness of the next generation, leading more people into the misguided path of gender confusion. The Biden administration's promotion and advocacy of homosexuality and transgenderism violate God's creation, violate human nature, and disrupt family and social order, constituting great sins detested by God.
Secondly, President Biden's announcement undoubtedly encourages people to undergo transgender surgery. This is not love for them but pushes them deeper into chaos and sin. Love does not condone sin; freedom is not doing whatever one pleases; equality is not preventing others from reasonable and Biblically-based questioning and condemnation; legitimate criticism of others' sins is not discrimination. We believe that people with homosexual tendencies and transgender tendencies should be cared for with love and acceptance, but their gender confusion needs to be reminded, corrected and helped. The Biden administration's so-called love for them is actually harming them.
Thirdly, President Biden's announcement directly violates the bottom line of Christian faith because this year’s March 31st is a grand holiday of Christian faith—Easter. The Biden administration's blatant proclamation to this day as "Transgender Day of Visibility" not only blasphemes against God and His Son Jesus, but also publicly humiliates, disdains, and provokes the Church. The Church should not and cannot remain silent at such a moment. Therefore, the Fundamental Evangelical Ministers’ Alliance is raising serious objections and protests against the Biden administration's announcement. A God-fearing leader of a nation should not make decisions that are hostile to God, to Christ, to the Church, and God's created order.
Therefore, we call on every person of conscience and wisdom, especially Christians, to cast their votes carefully in the 2024 general election in accordance with Biblical values, for the glory of God, to halt the spiritual and moral degradation of society. We should elect God-fearing national leaders who fear God and govern justly, not those candidates who are godless, and even blasphemous against God.
In the face of policies that seek to erode the foundations of our faith, violate natural law and humanity, and undermine the authority of God's Word, we implore all churches and believers in general, as well as fellow laborers and co-workers, to join with us in praying for this nation and sending our protests to the Biden administration in the White House:
1. We pray urgently for President Biden, the current leader of the United States, that he may develop a reverence for the truth and holiness of God and thus confess his sins and repent; we ask Biden to retract his wrongful decision and publicly apologize.
2. We call upon all Christians to stand boldly for biblical principles and to resist any attempt to distort, compromise, or change the truth of the gospel.
3. We love those who struggle with gender anxiety and we desire to share with them the love and truth, grace and salvation of Jesus Christ.
4. In today's context of increasing governmental encroachment on Christians' freedom of belief and conscience, we call for more policies that support the protection of Christians to live according to their own beliefs and consciences without fear of discrimination or persecution.
At a time when we have just celebrated Easter, let us rededicate ourselves to proclaiming the Gospel and the triumph of Christ. May we be beacons of truth in a world that is increasingly corrupt and darkened with absurd values and moral relativism.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12) We call upon America to turn back to God!
Members of the "Fundamental Evangelical Ministers’ Alliance"
Written on April 1, 2024 AD

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