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Support Us
2013/9/4 11:23:01


For information about CCLiFe's ministry, please follow the link CCLiFe Ministry


How Can You Help This Ministry

  • Pray for CCLiFe as it strives to help Chinese Christians to grow in their faith, walk, and service in the Lord.
  • Share this ministry in your church and send the publications to your friends so that more people can be benefited.
  • Support this faith-based ministry financially as a church or an individual.
  • Cooperate with CCLiFe in its ministry to the Mainland and Overseas Chinese Christians.  Attend CCLiFe events and encourage others to participate. 


Publications by Christian Life Press, Inc.

Christian Life Quarterly
Devoted to facilitating and mobilizing Chinese Christians to grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and to live for Him, this was the first Christian magazine started by and designed for Mainland Chinese Christians. Ideal for Chinese believers. Makes a great gift for your Chinese Christian friends. To have a copy is a privilege for many of them! In traditional Chinese, 4 issues/year, suggested donation $16/year in the U.S.; $20 US dollars/year for Canada; $30/year for other countries.

Life and Faith Evangelistic Version (For Seekers)
Ideal for Mainland Chinese intellectuals whose hearts are seeking the truth yet their minds are still struggling. Apologetic articles and testimonies written by Chinese intellectual Christians, who have gone through the similar struggles and found the truth eventually, provide a powerful support for the leap of faith. It is a great evangelistic tool for you as well as a valuable gift for your Chinese friends. In simplified Chinese, 2 issues/year, suggested donation $10/year; $15/year  for other countries.

Christian Life Press publication order form

Please make your check payable to CCLiFe and send it to:

Chinese Christian Life Fellowship, Inc.
670 Bonded Parkway,
Streamwood, IL 60107, U.S.A.

Phone: (630)837-7551
Fax: (630)837-7552
E-mail: cclifefl@gmail.com, cclife@gmail.com

Your gift to CCLiFe is tax deductible.