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2013/12/11 9:11:48





三.搭乘灰狗巴士(Greyhound bus),Megabus或Amtrak


五.Transportation Between O'Hare and Midway



一. 機場接駁車


  1. O'Hare 機場到大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort)
    • 於12/26 12:00PM 至 6:00PM大會安排大巴至大會會場,大約每1至2小時一班
    • O'Hare機場上車地点为 Terminal 2 Door E,有大會服務員安排上大巴順序




    • 在大會會場有接駁車到各旅社
    • 乘車費 -> 每人$15.00,需於註冊時預先繳付,12月10日后不接受退費要求,2岁以上均需付费


  1. 自大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort) 到O'Hare 機場
    • 於12/30 大會安排大巴至機場
    • 請於大會期間向註冊登記搭車時間
    • 開車時間為8:00am、1:00pm 、1:30pm & 2:00pm
    • 上車地點為大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort),詳細地點再行公佈
    • 乘車費 ->每人$15.00需於註冊時預先繳付,12月10日后不接受退費要求


  1. 自Midway 機場到大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort)
    • 大會將視實際需要,安排巴士至大會會場
    • 開車時間: 暫定为12/26 4:00PM
    • 機場航樓有大會服務員安排上大巴順序
    • 在大會會場有接駁車到各旅社
    • 乘車費 ->每人$15.00需於註冊時預先繳付,12月10日后不接受退費要求


  1. 自大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort) 往Midway機場
    • 大會將視實際需要,安排巴士至機場
    • 開車時間: 暫定为12/30 1:15PM
    • 請於大會期間向註冊登記搭車順序
    • 乘車費 ->每人$15.00需於註冊時預先繳付,12月10日后不接受退費要求


  • 到Midway機場的弟兄姊妹,如欲到O'Hare機場再轉乘O’Hare機場接駁車到大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort),請看 五.Transportation Between O'Hare and Midway



  • 弟兄姊妹亦可自行安排往返O'Hare 或Midway機場,以下是車資及連絡電話


American Taxi   

  • Phone: in O'Hare or Midway airport -> 847-255-9600
  • In大會會場 or 旅社                 -> 630-305-0700
  • Online reservation : http://www.americantaxi.com/
  • O'Hare   $50.00 + $2.00/extra person + tax + tip  ($8.00 more for a Van)
  • Midway   $63.00 + $2.00/extra person + tax + tip  ($8.00 more for a Van)


Go Airport Express


  1. Reservations can be made directly: SAVE 15%



  1. Reservations can be made on line:

           www.AirportExpress.com Enter your code: “CCLF”SAVE 15%


  1. Reservations can be made by calling:    1-800-284-3826  Use code: “CCLF”SAVE 15%


  1. Traveling From O'Hare (ORD):

Shuttles depart from O'Hare airport every 15 to 20 minutes to Chicago downtown and suburban hotels. GO Airport Express ticket counters and loading zones are located at terminal 1 by door E, terminal 2 by door E, terminal 3 by door E across from baggage claim on the Baggage Claim lower level. At the International Terminal 5 our pick up location is outside Door E, in the middle vehicle lane.


  1. Traveling From Midway (MDW):

Shuttles depart from Midway airport every 15 to 20 minutes to Chicago downtown and suburban hotels. Our airport express ticket counter and loading zone is located at Door 3 across from Southwest Airlines baggage claim in the lower level.


  1. Price


O'Hare Airport


# of Passengers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fare   $62.60  $74.60  $86.60  $98.60  $110.60  $122.60  $134.60  $146.60





Midway Airport


# of Passengers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fare  $77.20  $90.20  $103.20  $116.20  $129.20  $142.20  $155.20  $168.20







  1. 自各旅社往大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort)
    • 12/26 下午4:30pm to 7:00pm 提供接駁車,大約每半時一班
    • 12/27 至12/30,每天早晨自7:00AM至8:30AM,提供接駁車,大約每半時一班


  1. 自大會會場(Pheasant Run Resort) 往各旅社
    • 12/26至12/29每天會後自10:00PM至11:30PM提供接駁車,大約每半時一班
    • 12/30 中午會後沒有自大會會場往各旅社的接駁車



三.搭乘灰狗巴士(Greyhound bus),Megabus或Amtrak


搭乘灰狗巴士(Greyhound bus),Megabus或Amtrak 到芝加哥的弟兄姊妹,請自行到O'Hare 機場,再轉乘O'Hare 機場接駁車


  • 芝加哥灰狗巴士站到O'Hare機場->到芝加哥 Harrison station下車,步行或乘Taxi 到Dearborn及Jackson 交口轉乘Blue line 地鐵到O'Hare機場
  • 芝加哥Megabus站到O'Hare機場->到芝加哥 Union station下車,步行或乘Taxi 到Dearborn及Jackson 交口轉乘Blue line 地鐵到O'Hare機場
  • Amtrak Union station到O'Hare機場->步行或乘Taxi 到Dearborn及Jackson交口轉乘Blue line地鐵到O'Hare機場






  1. 请填写“中国福音大会2013交通安排申请表”一份,并将所需交通费用寄至“生命季刊(加拿大)”。
  2. 交通费用(成人$130, 2-12岁 $80加元)



  1. 目前已确定将有一辆大巴士开往芝加哥,共可坐56人。我们将以实际所收到的申请费用为准,以先收到先安排为原则,保证前56名交费者有座位。所以特别请弟兄姐妹及早申请。
  2. 若申请人数超过56名,我们将根据人数的情形尽力安排多余的巴士,但不保证。
  3. 凡乘坐巴士者,务请在12月26日清晨6点之前到达巴士等候处(地点:Coffee Time/CIBC停车场,Victoria Park Ave/Sheppard Ave交界处东北角)。巴士将准时于清晨6点出发,过时不候。若地点有改变,将及时另行通知。巴士等候处地址->2904 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough, Ontario, post code: M1T 3J4.
  4. 若申请者因故未能成行,并要求退回申请费,则必须在12月5日前告知我们。在此日期之后,恕不退还。
  5. 联系人:单煜姐妹(June) Phone: 416-917-6185    E-mail: cclifecanada@gmail.com







五.Transportation Between O'Hare and Midway


The CTA is an economical mode of transportation between O'Hare International and Midway Airport but is also the more time consuming at close to two hours. The CTA Blue Line serves O'Hare (located at the lowest level of the Main Parking Garage, next to elevator center 4, and is accessible by pedestrian tunnels located in Terminals 1, 2, and 3), and the Orange Line serves Midway. Clark and Lake is the free downtown transfer stop between the two lines. For more information, please go to the CTA Website.

Coach USA offers hourly service between O'Hare International Airport and Midway Airport from 6:30 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. for $23.00 for a one-way fare. Pickup at O'Hare at the Bus Shuttle Center and at Midway on the lower level. Allow at least 1 hour travel time between O'Hare International and Midway Airports. They may be reached at 1-800-236-2028 toll free or at 262-542-8861. For more information visit www.coachusa.com

Omega Shuttle offers hourly service between O'Hare International Airport and Midway Airport from 7 a.m. until 11:45 p.m. for $45.00 for a one-way fare. Allow at least 1 hour travel time between O'Hare International and Midway Airports. They may be reached at 773-734-6688. For more information visit www.omegashuttle.com